How to set up payment details so that I can get paid (young person)


Last Update 2 years ago

Click on your profile – go to settings – then pay out to bank account and follow the steps to add your bank details.  Here is a link to the relevant screen.  

Note, if you are under 18, then this action may need to be completed by a parent / responsible adult on their MyPocketSkill account (Note: the accounts are linked during your sign-up process).  However a parent / guardian can still add your own bank details so that you receive payment directly into your own account. 

After a task is booked on the platform, you will receive a notification on your account to accept the task.  Once accepted, we normally take payment from the customer and any payments made will automatically transfer to your eWallet on MyPocketSkill from which it can be paid out within a few days.  You can then choose whether you want to see your earnings grow on MyPocketSkill or payout to a connected bank account.  


Please note, it may take a few days for money to transfer to your MyPocketSkill eWallet once a payment has been made.  You can see the status of any recent payments and you can transfer money into your connected bank account from your eWallet, which you can find under settings, here.    

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